Friday, April 29, 2016

How the Internet Has Changed Everyday Life

1. What are the different forms of social media that exist today? Provide examples of different social media and their primary purposes.

There are several types of social media that exists on the Internet today. Each allows the user to communicate with other in a variety of ways. Internet gaming sites such as Pogo, Iwin, allow people from all over the world to play team or individual games. A chat gives players the option to interact with others. Social Networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace provide the means for friends and family to share thoughts, stories, and pictures at any time. There are also websites that allow photo or video sharing such as Flicker, Photo bucket and YouTube. Social media today allows family and friends to stay in touch.

2. What are the greatest benefits of social media for individuals and society?

The greatest benefit of social media is how fast information can be passed from one person to the next. Social media had revolutionized the manner in which Americans receive information. Before the invention of social media websites family members would have to send a letter or make a phone call to inform each other of family events. Many families set up reunions, vacations and obtained the ability to stay involved in each other's lives. International and domestic news information is accessible from any computer once it is posted. Social media brings new meaning to the phrase "news flash" by presenting information instantly.

3. What are the greatest problems of social media for individuals and society?

Unfortunately freedom is abused at times. Social media has also provided criminals with a new arena in which to cause harm. Predators have used websites like Facebook and Craig's list to stalk their victims. The anonymity the internet provides has allowed would-be pedophiles access to children online. Identity theft is another crime that is more easily preformed with information obtained from social media websites. In some instances incorrect information is passed along as fact. Some people like to pass along half-truths or rumors about individuals they dislike. Usually the subject of the gossip is devastated but helpless to erase the misinformation spread to large amounts of his or her peers. These often untrue statements cause emotional damage, destroy relationships and ruin a person's career or reputation.

4. How have modern social media sites affected commerce? Include positive and negative examples in your answer.

Social media provides a low-cost alternative to advertising by producing television commercials. Media sites are seen by hundreds of people every day. Conveniently placed banner ads place a company's name and products within a continuous view of social media users. Exposure of a business on social media sites allows consumers to post comments to other users stating satisfaction or positive opinions about that brand. Additional customer support sources could be placed to heighten consumer happiness. Despite the extra exposure a business could also retain a negative impact on profits. Negative commentary is always a possibility when users are allowed to post comments. Also use of social media requires an employee or employee to maintain the site, filter for viral damage, and maintain banner ad links.

5. How has the Internet changed the way many Americans consume information? Explain the importance and value of the availability of information on the Internet.

Typically Americans want all information possible when researching a subject. In the past, people were content to wait until the six o'clock news to learn about international and domestic events of the day. That is no longer the case today individuals want instant access to news on a variety of subjects. In corporate circle current information is power and most people want the newest information at his or her finger tips. Smart phones, laptop computers, and 24 hour news channels meet that need.

The Internet is portable, available to everyone, and holds limitless amounts of information. The recent events in Egypt showed how some governments try to censor internet content. However, there is no off button for the internet so citizens were able to share the details on social media sites such as Facebook.

6. How might you determine if information found online is trustworthy? Describe credibility issues with information found on the Internet.

One must examine the source of the information to determine credibility. Typically one can ascertain reliability by the extension used in the web-address; those that end with,, and are among the most trustworthy. Websites such as CNN, FOX news, or even the Library of congress' website provide bountiful information on almost any topic. Wikipedia claims to be a free online encyclopedia but allows anyone to edit or add commentary. Competent authors, of reference material, usually provide the reader with his or her source of information to assure credibility. Some websites appear trustworthy but contain more conjecture, opinion, or manipulated information than actual facts.

7. In what ways have politicians used the Internet in campaigning and in staying in touch with constituents? What is the overall effect of the Internet on politics?

Observation of the 2008 Obama/McCain presidential race proves the value of social media. Both candidates used social media to inform voters about their political platforms. Obama had 844,927 MySpace friends while McCain only had 219,404. On Twitter, Obama had over 118,107 followers compared to a merger 4,942 following John McCain. Social media allows politicians to reach out to the people, gives the people the opportunity to ask questions and allows political candidates to dispute misinformation or rumors involving his or her campaign. This connection also presents politicians in a familiar setting that allows voters to see the candidates as a normal people like themselves. The 2008 election proved that the Internet is a crucial campaign tool, one that must be embraced for future success.

8. Newspapers, once available only in print, have evolved into 24-hour multimedia operations. In addition to newspapers, briefly describe the evolution of movies, television, Internet, books and magazines, and media companies throughout the last century.

Before the invention of the television newspapers were the only source of world and local news. Once television news became popular the battle began for news sources to present the story first. The appearance of newspaper reporters as experts on the television news in order to promote the newspaper for which they work. Newspapers routinely update their website with up-to-the-minute progress of Prominent stories. Promotional videos and still photography of movies and television shows commonly appear on popular websites in the form of banner ads. Routinely studios produce multiple previews to promote upcoming releases to stimulate interest in their website and future projects. Television shows, books, and movies are available for purchase or to be viewed online via online stores such as I-Tunes. Electronic formats of books is a relatively new concept. Flat screen viewers like the Kindle and the Nook allow avid readers to carry multiple novels, magazines, or even textbooks in a small portable device. Most pre-internet media sourced have refocused sales to target internet audiences.

9. What is media convergence? Provide an example of media convergence and explain the media elements that are being combined. Explain how the combination of media elements in your example may be useful and to whom.

Media convergence is the coming together of two forms of media to either promote on another or to create a new product. Books and television were merger with the invention of Oprah Winfrey's book club. Each selection announced became an instant best seller. Even works that had been published years previously had sales revitalized by the promotion of the book club. Many books have made the transition from mere words to images in the form of feature films. Popular books such as the "Harry Potter" made the transition to blockbuster films earning millions of dollars in both movie ticket sales, home viewing products, and book sales. Another media converge may be on the horizon is between television and computers. Many believe that in the future individuals will no longer need both as separate devices.

10. How has media convergence changed American culture?

Media convergence has created hunger for instant or portable information and entertainment. Laptops, cell phones, and blackberries have allowed Americans to immediately find and share information with small or large amounts of other people. Cell phones will send mass e-mails without a user having to be near a internet Wi-Fi hub. For many Americans anger, stress, and anxiety have increased exponentially with this attitude of needing the newest information now. Some business professionals enjoy the benefits the Internet providers of communication across the world via teleconferences and e-mail. These advances lessen travel requirement of many positions. Movies, television programs, and books have become portable out of necessity rather than technical advancement.

11. Explain how music and culture influence one another. Provide an example of a song or album that affected culture. Provide examples of songs with cultural references.

Musicians usually release music relevant to the time in which they live. Recording artists in the 1960s took cues from the hippies seeking peace and the end to the war in Vietnam. Musical styles change form time period to time period in popularity. John Lennon's Imagine spoke of world peace. The song challenged listener to imagine the abolishment of greed, hunger and adoption of world-wide tolerance and brotherly love. Lennon dreamed of a time when people would hunger more for peace and love than material possessions. Also he wished for the metaphorical lines that separate people such as religion and race would be erased. American Idiot by Green Day discusses how American blindly accept all information and trends set forth by the news media. Many Americans rushed to purchase emergency kits, plans, and supplies for the possibility of imminent terrorist attacks the media repeatedly stated was possible after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

12. A big part of how pop music affects culture involves how it is distributed. Briefly describe how pop music and music distribution has changed over the last century.

Distribution of popular music has changed significantly from it original means. Music recording evolved quickly from the initial attempts using a needle and foil covered cylinders, to beeswax cylinders that restricted playback to more durable vinyl records. Records used the analog method of imprinting grooves into the record's surface. Quality was then improved by the real to real cassette players. The portable cassette and player were the first musical inventions that were easy to mass produce. Portability and ease of the ability to record music form the radio helped to increase the cassettes popularity. Compact discs or CDs, released in the late 1980s, replaced cassettes. CDs improved the sound quality of purchased music due to its digital recording method. The creation of homemade CD was also easier than cassette and often less time consuming. Today the invention of the MP3 players like the I-Pod has made music portability and sharing easier than ever. MP3s or music files can be purchased and loaded on to MP3 player or even cell phone for playback anywhere at any time.

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