Analog media has been used originally for audio recording for media that was analogous for the sound that it was creating. Although, recently Analog media has been used to refer to non-digitized media, such as film, audio, print media, etc. Since technology has advanced and become dependent on computers analog has been translated into digital media so that it is in computer and machine-readable form. It is put into binary digits so that computers may read and comprehend it. This process in which media is translated into computer-readable is called digitization. Communication of media has been transferring from the traditional analog media to the newer aged digital media. This is much more convenient in this new age because people have learned to depend on their computers to do work. When dealing with audio and video an analog-to-digital converter works at an extremely high rate. Digital media is a great advancement in media technology.
Technological convergence is the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in digital environment. It can be used in different types of media, such as print, audio, and video to converge it all into one digital media. Convergence makes mass communication digital for networked media so that it is not a necessity to communicate through words, images, and sound. This is very useful when dealing with multimedia situations when there is more than one type of media. For example, web pages combine several different forms of media together to create a web page with text, video, audio, and several other media forms. Technological convergence has been a very useful factor when dealing with the steady rising of Internet use. Without this it would be much harder to communicate through the Internet because there would be no digital environment for computing. The use of hyperlinks has been a huge advancement in convergence and communication. A hyperlink is an HTML code that is used to link to another webpage or element within a website. Technological convergence has been a main benefactor in making digital media what it is today.
Most media companies strive to make a profit for themselves. Media companies are amongst the most profitable private enterprises in the world. The money made in media is an extremely high amount that on average increases 20 percent a year in margins. This is about double the average of other industries in America. In the digital and analog world, concentration of ownership in media has been an expanding trend. However, digital and analog media has been quickly falling into the hands of few wealthy and extremely powerful owners. When few business owners take control of industries or a series of industries it is known as an oligopoly. Many of these industries are partially owned by shareholders who are interested in the financial situations of the companies. The people who own stock in these companies are often very small voices do to the power of the owners of these companies.
Analog mass communication was a large way for an audience to communicate with each other through messages to a receiver or audience. The audience would be large and anonymous. But now there are better ways of communication to audiences due to convergence. In today's age there are many ways to communicate, such as, online forums, e-mails, and other interactive media forms that make it easy and fast to communicate with others. These newer ways of communication are easier, quicker, and cheaper than traditional ways. Websites now use programs called cookies to recognize users and give them personal content. This gives the organizations a much better understanding of the behaviors and habits of the audiences. The audience for media has been growing as the media has been evolving towards the digital future. Audiences are constantly consuming more and more media. People have been tending to forget about the traditional ways of getting information from media, such as using newspapers and magazines. They have been leaning more towards the digital media, such as cable television and the Internet. People are still getting the same thing out of digital media that they were getting out of analog. It is just easier and more advanced to use the digital media to do things such as download or record music. Through the use of viral marketing, advertising can be done easily and can reach millions of people in a very short amount of time.
A huge technique used in sending media to massive audiences is known as gatekeeping. This is the way that editors decide what is important in what an audience will see on a webpage or magazine or etc. This is often used to sort through massive amounts of media information to carefully select what is important for the audiences to see and what isn't. The gatekeepers are people who decide what messages are absolutely necessary for the audiences to read. They put out the messages in the correct content and for the masses to read and understand. Also, they determine when these messages will be released to the public for people to view.
Like a gatekeepers, there are also content filters. A content filter is filter in media such as a magazine that eliminates messages that someone may not want their audiences to see or read. This is useful because it blocks out unwanted information. Advertisers who want to delete information or messages that would distract people front wanting to purchase their product or services often use the technique of content filtering.
Back about ten years ago it was standard for all books to come in hardcopy. But of coarse today in the year 2005, this is not the case. There has been a newer, more advanced way of reading called e-books. Due to the new trend of electronic books and downloading free content, the sales in hardcopy books has dropped drastically. However, the printing of books has been made much more efficient in the past decade due to on-demand printing. This newer concept of book printing has made the printing of books much quicker with better quality. Book sales are always increased when a movie based around the book is released in theaters. For example, when Harry Potter came out in the box office, the sales of the books skyrocketed. It is hard to decipher whether hardcopy books are going to be around for much longer due to the technological advances of e-books and online downloads. Since there have also been advances in the way that hardcopy books are distributed, there is a good chance that they will be sticking around for a while. With the print-on-demand system there is no need for warehouses to hold books anymore, because when a printing company gets an order for a book it can be printed distributed and instantly. There are conveniences of hardcopy books, such as, portability, they can be shared, stored, written in, there low cost, and also durable. But this may not be enough of an advantage to save the future of hardcopy books.
Over the past ten years there have been many drastic changes in media. There have been many new and advanced technologies coming out that have been canceling out the older and traditional ones. The printing industry is becoming a completely different industry almost every year with all of the new technological advances coming out, to make mass communication faster and easier for everyone.
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